The greatest fools are those in love...What we won't do for that tingling feeling in our souls...
Some lyrics I came up with when I was bored...I have remnants of the tune in my head, and I'm trying to transpose it from piano to guitar...Enjoy.
I saw a few lightning bugs on a walk today, and I also caught one or two. And I was reminded of my childhood days, when there were so many more. And i..
Well, it would be about anything, but if you look through my feminist rant, I think you'll see what I'm talking about.
Ohmygod, I had the most amazing time at the 8th grade dinner dance. It was awesome! I would totally relive it...If I could.
This is an epic love story that I wrote for my friend Joy. Yes, she is paired with Naruto. Yes, I won't get anywhere writing fan fictions. But, c'mon,..
Some of the many questions that we think of when we fall in love.
This is serious. I don't seem to be able to write at all today. It makes me feel crappy.
Ahhh. Something I had for lunch today. No, hell, something all of the kids at the Duqusne English Festival had today.
Damn, I hate them. Though most of them are really nice, it just bothers me how unconcerned they are with the world. And I need to vent some anger.