carla : Writing

chapter 23

chapter 23

A Chapter by carla

All during the day we worked hard to decorate the hospital for the children. The children enjoyed the company of my friends and followed them around. ..
chapter 24

chapter 24

A Chapter by carla

“You two were amazing” Jane complimented as she put her arm around Sarahwe were walking out of the hospital with laughter hovering over us..
chapter 25

chapter 25

A Chapter by carla

As we approached Jane’s house, I couldn’t help but think about Miloh’s words in the hospital parking lot. She had said I was as weak..
chapter 26

chapter 26

A Chapter by carla

My body froze on the spot as I felt his breath brush against the back of my neck. So many things were going through my mind in that moment but fear wa..
chapter 27

chapter 27

A Chapter by carla

The morning light broke through the shields that were my eyelids. I was groggy and my mind was still fogged up with the tendrils of sleep. It was hard..
chapter 28

chapter 28

A Chapter by carla

My mind was a muddled mess and I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do. There were so many things going on but I didn’t know how to deal..
chapter 29

chapter 29

A Chapter by carla

I sat with Philip, the stranger who drove me to the hospital, as the others were checking on Jane and asking doctors about my new brother. The shock o..


A Chapter by carla

After Jane died it felt as if life had taken on a slow meaningless pace. But every day her words resounded in my head 'don't let the hardships of life..
Sands of Time (complete)

Sands of Time (complete)

A Book by carla

this is the revised version of my sands of time


A Chapter by carla

what is life but an endless cycle? a circle we are stuck in. how do we get out of this ever entangling routine of our world? what other possibilitie..