Dear Old Friend, In fifty two days, I'll be turning seventeen years old, and in four-hundred-and-seventeen days, I'll turn eighteen years old, and ..
They splatter across the sky winking and gazing at each
other like two sisters holding tight to a secret, rolling off their tongues only
to be halte..
See, these days I wonder a lot about what my life will be someday.I crave so badly to be happy, and whole again; I need something to change, an ..
They tell me to look to the past, but how far am I supposed to look? They tell me, "Maybe it's you. You ever think of that?'"Little do they know, that..
She smiled to herself while the sun hit her skin, leaving evidence of the summer she's leaving behind;She went out every night, she partied all day, s..
Tick tock, tick tock;
These depressing thoughts won't stop, they start coming when it gets dark.
Even though my heart is locked, I thought I closed ..
Inner struggles of a 15 year old psycho.