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Nothing that I can tell you!, GA
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About Me

I live in Georgia with my mother, cousin, and step-father. My brother lives in a jail cell across the country. I have blonde hair, brown eyes, a chuby face, alot of freckles, and am fat as hell. I love to read, so any read request are fine with me, as long as they appropriate! Writing is one of my passions. I have many stories I wish to write, but for now they are just staying in my head and are waiting to be put down on paper. I live to ride horse's, even though I don't own any. It's so calm and relaxing, and not to mention fun. I like to write about many things but what I write about most are teens and children going through alot, sometimes adults. I don't have any religion, I wasn't raised to be one religion or any of them. I grew up with different kinds of friend, it didn't matter which race they were, cause I never really cared, nor did my parents. I wrote a poem about it, although it's not very good. One heart, One mind, One path, One time. Meaning that everyone was born with a body, soul, heart and a mind, and that once they choose the path they wanted to take there was no going back. I am usually okay with people, although I don't trust very easily, but you know when you're a true friend when I tell you a secret, Depending on how big of a secret tells wether you're just a friend or a best friend/sisterorbrother/otherhalf. Okay I have a dog, his name is yuki an well he's annoying. He's I don't remember how old now but I think like 7-8 months, or somewhere around there. Almost as big as a black lab, you can probably tell he's going to be huge. He is a german shepherd and husky mix. And He's always getting beat up by the four little fluff balls we have, all of them under 3 pounds. We have 8 cats, one outside, the others in. We have a calico, thats around 16 pounds but he is not fat, A silver tabby, probably around 11-12 pounds, and an orange tabby around 14 pounds. We have four little kittens, all of them way underweight. We have a short haired tabby and a long haired tabby, a black and white cat, and another black cat. Oh and can't forget the fish, yep he is currently under attack by four fluff balls. Also if you just read all of that, make sure you read my stories I can tell you they are way more intrestin than me.