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About Me

I'm all over the web but I find myself returning to this place for poetry. I would love to read all the requests but to be honest, my schedule just won't allow me to do it. I float around and click on the pages of writers whose names or avatars interest me and I'm always amazed by the talent I find. If you enjoy the work posted here, please come to my website and drink a few drops more!

I respect our craft a great deal. So if you are looking for accolades and not constructive critiques, please don't send read requests to me. I'm also asking for one poem or story per writer, it can be a bit overwhelming because I'm not here very often and the requests pile up. I love reading the work of others it is often inspirational and uplifting. I don't want it to become a chore.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I apologize ...i've been absent and have let my "read" requests pile up....I will not be able to catch up but please send me the piece you want read most...thank you!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

- Celebrating life is good for us. It's good for our families, our friends and our communities. The positive energy that comes from celebrating is both life affirming and infectious. It is healing and refreshing to cultivate an appreciation for life. An interesting characteristic of celebration is that it tends toward more celebration. There is no right or wrong way to celebrate. Creating rituals and ceremonies of bliss and celebration is up to us to discover. However, the journey to celebrating life can be and should be an artful expression wide open to possibility. It should be organic and free to evolve with us. Celebration isn’t just an appreciation for a special occasion, an event or action. It is a way of living, which implies that it touches all aspect of our lives. Tapping into hidden or undiscovered talents can widen our possibilities and help us experience greater joys.

- by Geneece Hamby

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Posted 14 Years Ago

true but then that piece may never have taken a breath...

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you for the review! I absolutely agree with you! I just wish I knew the consequences of the decisions I made before I made them. Then at least I would have a thorough understanding when I want to find happiness.