Caitlin Shapland

Caitlin Shapland


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Jefferson, GA
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About Me

My name is Caitlin Rivera, and I am seventeen. I am an artist. I play the trumpet, guitar, french horn, and I sing in the chorus with my school. I am involved with my youth group, Shelley Mckenzie (male) is the best friggin youth pastor in the universe. I am engaged, yes, I know that I am young, and that it isn't a remarkably hopeful engagement to anyone over the age of, well me. However, I must, in some fashion, still those thoughts in your mind...

I might be young, but who is to say whether or not my love is genuine.


Can a relationship survive on love alone? No, you must be able to be angry, and be truthful about that frustration with the one you love, you have to work at it

and I am willing to

A relationship is like a machine

if one thing, one single cog, is not working at 100%, eventually, it will deplete into nothingness


I'm off of my soap box

I just recently got employed at my *sarcastic enthusiasm* NEIGHBORHOOD FOOD LION!! isn't all that bad of a job

I plan on moving out of my household very soon. Nicolas and I will wait to get married atleast until I am out of high school, if not well into college

I am waiting

he is waiting

I will survive! I will survive!

oh oh oh oh Stayin alive




c a i t


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Posted 17 Years Ago

If you get a spare moment could you read me? Thank you x
Hush Your Heart
A Poem by Bubo

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey Caitlin! I think you�re doing well and i� m glad you are� Have a lovely time.
Greetings, Marc.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yes I know.
And I accept that. But I write bluntly at the best of times, its not meant to cause stress or harm my friend. These nightmares intermingle with much of my past life. I write to free myself x

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you....will review yours when i get back from the dreaded shop trip!!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review of "Paranoia"..........much appreciated!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

You had a Bubo day!!
Thank you so much for all the incredible reviews...........i so appreciate it :))

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I just read what you sent me, but I couldn't think of anything cool or constructive to say, so i didn't review it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks Caitland for the review of Mam's Boy... it was for a contest where the first two sentences were given and had to make a story out of it... did it in bout half an hour.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thank you for the reviews my friend, always appriciated. If there's anything you want me to read just send it my way
Your friend
Dale D

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Posted 17 Years Ago

THANK YOU........So glad you enjoyed!!