I feel as if there is something I should tell
her or as if there is something that has been unsaid…but there..
Never Ending HoleI’m falling farther, and farther down this long black hole that gives me no escape… I try to grab on to the sides only t..
Cause Her PainI feel so sick because of thoughts that were not mine, I feel as if I need to tell her what I thought against her… but it would o..
All that’s LeftThey tell me it will be o.k someday and that all will be as it once was… but I know the truth, it will NEVER be the same, ..
Never the SameI feel like there are so many emotions and thoughts going on in my head. Good Ones, and Sad Ones, and the Dark Ones. I feel like they ne..
Tell me no more LiesThe thoughts in my head make me sick inside, for they are not mine, and they tell me sick lies. I tell them no, but then my mind s..
Scared to Love in Fear of LossI’m scared to love, in fear of loss. I wish to love those around me, but my heart feels like a wall, Emotionless a..