This is about that one thing that for some reason has been made practically impossible to mention in any sort of way negative or implying diabolical a..
You humans.Yer just never going to get it, it seems.I hope I am wrong.I can see where diversity is a good thing. It's tied to autonomy, which is very,..
If you like me, you won't after reading this.
Now I am a friend, of the darkness.For I, have given away my soul.My addictions are my obligations,And so, the evil grows.Through clear blue eyes and ..
They have just announced legislation that would force A.I. to explain it's decisions to a human.Is that scary? I suppose that would largely depend on ..
quantum computer, is what is for things like GE, and Boeing, and the pentagon ...
7million times as smart as us stupid humans.
Welcome to your world.
Depression is rage. Spread thin.La depresion, es rabia. Se extiende delgada.~Poverty~I have learned many, many things in my travels near and far from ..
In a little town, out where the grand sonoran desert eases up into the StrawberryMts, a doctor started a practice. He came to this little picturesque ..
An email I sent to a girl I am nutzo about.