The Silence

The Silence


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Posted 17 Years Ago

You put "Bloom" among your favorites ??
It is but a simple poem written from the influence of a charming and beautiful late night soul that gave to me smiles when I needed them the most...It is I that should list you among the favored. Now please try and remember...The night is a silent and lonely bungalow for sleepless souls...I shall always be here awaiting the words that fill the darkness with possibilities.
Your friend as always ,


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Never have I been this side of vulnerable before...the doors have always stayed constant, closed and never this promising to the return of my muse, that swift in gift of uncontrollable emotion outside from my windows. I am that temple in Zen moment , the memory of you. A mountainous view of what was once so Karmic and pure. It is hardly enough to express the words that could somehow relay that I miss you, but think of what it means to relay that you have brought back to my soul, the elegance of notion of believing in dragons once more, then perhaps you may understand when I cling to the hope of finding one another in some way, once more in some fate of day. Till then Amanda�I remain your eternal smile,


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Posted 18 Years Ago

I just stumbled out of my head and saw your reflection staring up at me., Against the mirror and out into the shivering moon that never leaves your side. Never dares to drift from beneath your gears...It just called me out for the moment . As Stable has never been our best quality , has it now ? But the night is closing us in together, and what better way to watch these days and shadows seep into the other end? What better way than where we once began ...Yeah,
I'll ride with you...
as far and as hard as these words can run, my stable girl..

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Posted 18 Years Ago

I am lost in the language young lady! Pictures are quickly becoming the outlet of my frustration and I am getting bolder...THANK GOD! Although the neighbors know feel I am nuts ...I just tell them that the elephant is only rented for a day...then he is back to Barnum.
You must reach across your dreams and feel me standing in the moment before you awaken , that is where I will be waiting and I will give to you
gently a morning rain where we can walk together laughing and you can tell me how I ever survived so long without you. How many await for Amanda now as always they have, but it does not matter as Carlito named her first ; )
Soon I hope,
my winter smile


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Posted 18 Years Ago

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Posted 18 Years Ago

I have to second that emotion, how funny I have used that exact phrase Tara, within the last 12 hours, beauty is running rampant among us. "Amanda", lol, we are gathered for your words...share with us?

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Posted 18 Years Ago

I love you too,'re beautiful, inside and out~

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Was I what was left of the lassitude when the ripples settled dark...or was I the press of emulsion that gave the water light ? We are memories, you and I, We are silence between sound where there is no equation for poetry. There is only the separation of our arched souls where these words rise between us and come to life.
Till the pebbles are, once again, beneath our feet, I shall await Amanda, and look upon the ripples as our words there, left afloat.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

As for your Bio..that is normally when I go golfing with Dad...there are no answers after the round...but I do get to walk 27 holes with pops and smack the crap out af a little wite ball which in the end brings a smile. I think a lot of us are there which is why we write...the solace in the word, put well, makes the arms feel a littltle more filled ..and the brain shuts down as well. It's a way into the trance for me...the rest is an-150 and a country/mountain property with the BIg Dog..just rolling country roads and looking for a better lake or river to jump into and of course...the smile of a woman with red reasons on her head.. to keep punching at tomorrow, because we just never give up do ya. All that and Saga or a Choclate chip cookie the size of a truck one Amanda?? If not, please plan a bake day would ya...Carlito needs his

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Posted 18 Years Ago