K.Ace.James : Writing



A Poem by K.Ace.James

This one is really about me and what ive been through..enjoy
My past

My past

A Poem by K.Ace.James

This is about how the past hunts us


A Poem by K.Ace.James

Malcum x said "By any means" Dr.King stood up and said "I have a dream" Rosa Parks sat and STILL made a change. They went through hell so we could ..
The broken hearted kid

The broken hearted kid

A Poem by K.Ace.James

This poem is telling about a kid who gets beat.Not anyone i know, just to raise the awareness off child abuse is the world.
For love is like

For love is like

A Poem by K.Ace.James

This is all the things love is to me.
Why! WHy! WHY?!?

Why! WHy! WHY?!?

A Poem by K.Ace.James

Just about life pains.. Love and being hurt..Things like that
In my dreams

In my dreams

A Poem by K.Ace.James

Pretty much about a crush..Or something like that ..
Love song

Love song

A Poem by K.Ace.James

It started as a poem and ended in a song..so think more along the hip hop line more then poetry
Peace of war

Peace of war

A Poem by K.Ace.James

This poem is just about how the world is, and what it should be like .. Enjoy (:

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