Morgan McFinn : Writing

The Sands of Time

The Sands of Time

A Story by Morgan McFinn

Asking for the time in India...


A Screenplay by Morgan McFinn

Strange items valued at auctions...
Shame on Fame

Shame on Fame

A Story by Morgan McFinn

Regarding the current obsession with fame & celebrity...


A Story by Morgan McFinn

About Islam
Thank you, Jimmy Connors

Thank you, Jimmy Connors

A Story by Morgan McFinn

The influence of watching Jimmy Connors at Wimbledo 1982...
Courage: A Misplaced Virtue

Courage: A Misplaced Virtue

A Story by Morgan McFinn

The courage of women during childbirth...
Celebrity Interview

Celebrity Interview

A Story by Morgan McFinn

The Daily Pageant (a fictional publication) interviews the celebrity English author of 'Fetishes Are My Fetish'.

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