moogi : Writing

Untitled Prose

Untitled Prose

A Poem by moogi

a scribbled prose of this and that and even cake! enjoy ^_^
Untitled Ploy

Untitled Ploy

A Poem by moogi

just a scribble
Untitled Death

Untitled Death

A Poem by moogi

It is hardest to watch the tears fall when you can not tell them...
Untitled Liar

Untitled Liar

A Poem by moogi

I remembered a liar from days long since past, decided to share
Untitled Dream

Untitled Dream

A Poem by moogi

I had a dream so I decided to share it with you
Untitled Love

Untitled Love

A Poem by moogi

Meh was bored, do five minute poems, so they're rough drafts but who knows. Young love or something like it