mnicorata : Writing

To The Heavens

To The Heavens

A Poem by mnicorata

Something I wrote professing my faith in the divine.
Angling Downward

Angling Downward

A Poem by mnicorata

A poem describing the descending path that is currently my life.


A Poem by mnicorata

Something I wrote describing what it feels like being alone.
The End

The End

A Poem by mnicorata

A poem describing what my end might look like, what it may feel like.
Twilight Fades

Twilight Fades

A Poem by mnicorata

Something I wrote describing my constant insomnia.
The Syndrome

The Syndrome

A Poem by mnicorata

A poem I wrote describing what it is like having Asperger's Syndrome.


A Poem by mnicorata

Something I wrote describing my constant struggle and battle with my spirituality.


A Poem by mnicorata

Based on an intense dream I had recently.
Unconscious Paradigm

Unconscious Paradigm

A Poem by mnicorata

An idea I had in mind about what divinity might seem like through a spiritual mind.


A Poem by mnicorata

Something I wrote describing my position in life metaphorically.