Kimberly "Melody" Carney : Writing

Nature's Wicked Joke

Nature's Wicked Joke

A Poem by Kimberly "Melody" Carney

Nature’s wicked joke Shattered glass In beveled my body Black crows Peck heartlessly At my mind Nature’s wicke..


A Poem by Kimberly "Melody" Carney

Young love so freely given Call it passion Call it sin Broken Alone Impure from within Showerd twice Try to look nice ..
The Dancer

The Dancer

A Poem by Kimberly "Melody" Carney

Darkness covers my shape A weary tingle of fear Caresses my very soul Unable to move Bound by what’s within As the music pla..
At the minds end

At the minds end

A Poem by Kimberly "Melody" Carney

We all have seen better days Some pretty bad ones as well. I know I have. I run into people all the time Who always ..
I dare you to fall

I dare you to fall

A Poem by Kimberly "Melody" Carney

A poem I wrote in the 8th grade mind you. I love this poem and will never revise it. I will always keep this as is,a simple aabb someday my des..

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