lilly Moore's early life
When we get to Lois’s house, there is no way we can sleep.Her daddy has greeted me at the door with a big smile on his face, and says, “..
I sit and watch her go, until there is nothing left to watch.The baby rests on the porch, and cries for the both of us.After forever passes, my fami..
Life goes on, without Aunt Maggie and Uncle Pearl and Miss Sarah, but it seems like something is missing, every day.Now that we at least know where ..
And the man say, well, he say
Your alright there, boy
You dont have to pay me nothin
Just get em on through
Since Lee and I have been married, we’ve lived a quiet life, him working for my family and playing baseball, me keeping house, and the books f..
It is raining as we pull into the station.I reach over to shake Lee awake and wonder, for the hundredth time, how it can be raining on such a big da..
It gleams, this store in front of us.It holds nothing but jewelry, and everything about it shines. Of course, I’d expect that from the stones ..
There’s nothing I like better than a bonfire.The whole neighborhood turns out to dance with my family and me.My grandmother, Hester Moore, thr..