Sam Cambell

Sam Cambell


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Providence, RI
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About Me

I'm not sure why I'm trying, because I know I'll never be able to fully explain myself to you, but here goes. First and foremost, I have a lisp. That's my lone good quality...

And now on to the bad ones... I have an unhealthy obsession with the movie Chicken Little, and as you may have guessed that is his behind in my profile picture. I can't write to save my life, but please don't ask me why I'm on this site. My therapist said it'd be good to go out and meet people, but I'm scared to leave the house, so...

I'm wasting my summer vacation/ life daydreaming and night dreaming and doing whatever else it is I do, which isn't much. I listen to a lot of music, LOUDLY, which is the reason i don't respond to verbal conversation anymore. I listen to alt rock mostly, and no, not like Metro Station, they clearly don't know what alt rock is. I listen to mostly 90s songs, occasionally 80s or 70s or sometimes even 60s. The main reason for this is that the world forgot how to make music at the turn of the millenium.

I can sing as good as Ke$ha and Lady Gaga, but I get nothing out of that. The record companies told me the world doesn't need any more ugly pop stars who can't sing and get half naked in their videos. :(

Visit this site. It...describes my life in a way.

Harry Potter is my life. Or I wish it was... I live here instead.
This video also describes my life. Make of that what you will...

I would kill for an Oreo right now.

Umm... if I had to pick one quote to describe my life, it would be from Spongebob, when he and Patrick stand on the top of Spongebob's pineapple screaming, "I'm ugly and I'm proud!"

I am deeply in love with a mythical creature by the name of Sebastian Samuels. He is my thoul thithter, or soul sister to those of you not fluent in lisp. Even though I hope to gwod he's real, I have yet to meet him. Sebastian, if you're out there... I need to hear from you. Send me the secret signal. Then our love can commence...

And... I love old people. So that's me. Please don't stalk me, a nice email would do just fine...

Don't click here!

I've been told by about three people now that I should put on my profile that I am, indeed, a girl. For all of you nerds out there that are afraid of girls... you make me laugh because you're afraid of girls. That's it. I'm done. If I wite anything more in this profile no one's gonna read it. Actually, congradulations on making it this far already... la la la la la...


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Posted 14 Years Ago

May 2011 bring you all happiness sweety! Hugs xx

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Posted 14 Years Ago


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Posted 14 Years Ago

You get a facebook and abandon writerscafe...nice Sam

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I love that you've completely abandoned WC since getting a facebook. It makes me laugh. Now I will digitally annoy you by two means. Mehehe... DRESS UP TONIGHT!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Alex just said he has a baby
I asked "with who? Danielle or Julie?"
Then he said it was twins

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Me u and petunia r working Saturday!!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

if we do have a sleepover thursday it will be great ;)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

We should have that sleepover really soon! I mean like seriously :( MY WINDOWS ARE DONE! PAINTING PARTY!!!!!

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Posted 14 Years Ago


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Shay Carl. Meh that's kinda ok