A breath buring in my chest. Thoughts of what never was. Trembling on my fingertips. Chilling like the wind through my soul. Dark as the pits that is ..
Dear U.
I haven't written in a while. But only because it is so hard. I keep telling myself that I will be happy as long as you are happy. But I gues..
Dear U.
Mature. What is that really? I mean who can mature if one does not ever get the possibility to experience that which you wish to mature in. I..
Dear U.
I guess I am movie damaged when it comes to relationships. I just look at the people around me and think. I want to think "Just knew it. Knew..
Dear U.
I really wish I had you to lean on. I'm going through a storm right now and just feel tossed from side to side. I worry about my behaviour no..