what happens when you'retoo tired to cry, lie,too tired to die?enter apathy, in all her glorycapturing every attempt at life,settling in and finding a..
i wanted to lie to you,but i was too tired.i started to cry for you,but i was too tired.i was willing to die for you,but you were too tired.
you, bathed in blue light.
you, dancing circles in my imagination.
you, composing my dreams.
you, whispering sweet somethings into my ear.
you, ..
My soul stands bare before you
You gaze with a critical eye,
Harshly absorbing me,
My essence quickly inhaled.
Tasting my sorrow and
Warmed by ..
I am free falling at 90 miles per
Hour with the taste of you on my
Lips and the echo of your words in
My ears. I am free falling at 90
Miles p..
The world is pressing, pressing
Pushing, heaving
Crushing dreams under
Its lead weight lead hate
Poison kiss of death
On your lips
Closing c..
This house is so empty at night
So cold and so silent and dark
So cold I can see the breath
Leave me with brilliant grace
And so s..
I’m always pretending, lending, bending
Twisting and molding into shapes
That no one else will fill.
Slipping into crevices
Finding a void..
Give me wings so I can fly
Because I’m running so
Hard and my feet just won’t
Stop as I search for that one
Place where I can feel, ..
Where is here? Here is
A place were no one asks,
Delicately sidestepping confrontation.
Making graceful steps,
Tiptoed around something deeper,