Stacey : Writing

This Escape

This Escape

A Poem by Stacey

Stomping through the bracken and you’re wet, the cuffs of your jeans slimed with grey mud, feet cold, fingers trembling at every slick, gree..
Stage Magic

Stage Magic

A Poem by Stacey

1. You are too loose with your favors - long fingers and long legs and golden skin glowing like a coin that should be hidden in a pocket of y..
Love and String

Love and String

A Poem by Stacey

Made some small changes. Thanks to everyone for their comments!
Sometimes a Famine

Sometimes a Famine

A Story by Stacey

She has been here for a long time. She’ll always be here. This is her river even though no one knows that anymore. She knows there was a ti..


A Poem by Stacey

An older piece.


A Story by Stacey

Changed some things as per feedback. Thanks for the critique!

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