Stacey : Writing



A Poem by Stacey

the way you rot-- your dissolution so slow and graceful the eye can see no hints of softening tissue or buckling..
The Poisoner's Daughter

The Poisoner's Daughter

A Poem by Stacey

I'll drink from each cup you press to my lips, open my heart to what- ever I swallow, I trust you ..


A Poem by Stacey

The chromium was a gift from your mother, passed from her breast to lodge in your bones, each vertebrae plated un..
Last Harvest Ball

Last Harvest Ball

A Poem by Stacey

Your long fingers curled around the glass like dead vines, and the ice was hard against your teeth, sticking to your..
Everyone is going to disagree with me,

Everyone is going to disagree with me,

A Poem by Stacey

but years ago I had a T-square barring my heart and in my hand a pipette full of some poor, simple thing's scramble..


A Poem by Stacey

Your voice like a lost bird choking on its own panic and looking for windows that aren't there. Your voice soon ..
Slides of Our Vacation

Slides of Our Vacation

A Poem by Stacey

Over the black mesa and into the box canyon, the old village clinging to its side, gone to rubble or soon to be ..
Atlantis, Unsinkable

Atlantis, Unsinkable

A Poem by Stacey

Our new country has no fault lines, no cracks along which to split and drift from itself-- a new continent t..
Speech Impediment

Speech Impediment

A Poem by Stacey

Inverse haiku
Only Tinder

Only Tinder

A Poem by Stacey

The world goes quiet. Let this fall out of your mouth: no milk for you. No comfort in these mountains, on this island. There is no shelter, an..

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