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A Poem by Amy

Calling Calling

A Poem by Amy

Caught Caught

A Poem by Amy

Bruised Bruised

A Poem by Amy

Why? Why?

A Poem by Amy

Alone Alone

A Poem by Amy

S**t S**t

A Poem by Amy

All Eyes On You All Eyes On You

A Poem by Amy

As I Sit As I Sit

A Poem by Amy

I'll Be There I'll Be There

A Poem by Amy

About Me

Hello, my name is Amy. hearts Pictures, Images and Photos
22 years old.
I'm a strong, independent, free thinking person.
I don't have to see the world through the same eyes as everybody else.
I have my own opinions.
I can use my own brain.
I can sing as loud as I can.
I wear what I want.
I'm not afraid of expressing myself.
I am me.

I enjoy writing about reality.
I'm not necessarily a victim of any of my work.
All my poetry reflects real problems that individuals face in life.

I'm going to smile because I deserve to.
Enjoy my work. x

heart banner Pictures, Images and Photos


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hope you are doing well. Miss you


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Posted 14 Years Ago


hope things are well!!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Miss you two like you don't even know!!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

LOL.... you better review ALL of them. xxxx

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Posted 14 Years Ago


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Posted 14 Years Ago

LOL omg post new shittttttttttt, i know u got it in you somewhereeeeeeeeeeee, like new stuff about the frog or even frankopodimus!

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Posted 14 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey, hun! I haven't been online here for forever... I moved and things have just been in general pretty s**t-tacular. Anyway, hope you're doing good. I missed ya! Haha... so yeah, send me a comment and I'll talk to you soon.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey darling. Yes Jess told me she wanted you to get an account on here. Smiles, Miss you both a lot. I'm not on here a lot any more either. This site has been having problems.

When you get a badge it just means that you got about a % or review so many poems. When you do win a poem conest you will get an e-mail. To find out what your badge means you just click on it. Wish you both luck in school. School going ok with me. I have a exam tue ..AHHH lol

Well chat when ever you get on. My best buddy!!
Love, Anna

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I see that you won a Badge but I don't see any awards under it. Are you sure that you won one? If you did you would have gotten an e-mail telling you what kind of contest you won and what kind of award. Miss you lots!! If you talk to Jess. Please tell her I miss chatting with her on here! thxs

Kisses & love
Anna banana