denverdarling : Writing

Lucy in the Sky

Lucy in the Sky

A Story by denverdarling

“Dance with me,” his breath swam into her ear, the voice an oily mixture of demand and desperation. Lips grazed her cheekbone. The music w..
Let Me Show You My Magnet Collection

Let Me Show You My Magnet Collection

A Story by denverdarling

don't normally do blind dates, did one because he was a referral, literally, from a man who seemed to have his poop in a group, so i figured why not? ..


A Story by denverdarling

She parked the car haphazardly, breaking and clumsily slidinginto the curb and snow packed bank, cursing aloud as her coffee sloshed from its mug wher..
Lord Have Percy

Lord Have Percy

A Story by denverdarling

Percy had a secret. He wondered if Mrs. Constantino would still pat his hand after she paid or compliment him on his expert grocery-bagging techn..