I'm Misa. I'm a 15 year old Japanese-German Jew. Nice combo, eh? I like writing and web programming. I'm a really care free person and I love putting a smile on peoples faces. I don't mind having people add me randomly or talk to me randomly,
I actually support it. I love talking and meeting new people. I'm not a shy person, I'm pretty blunt and honest and I don't tend to hold back. I'm a harsh critique when it comes to reading and critiquing. If I have a problem with a part of what I'm reading I'll say it. I usually read books with an open mind and tend to like what I'm reading.
Favorite books: Night World. Julius Caesar. The Gemma Doyle Trilogy. Gingerbread Trilogy. Once Dead, Twice Shy. The Hunger Games. The Wicked Lovely Series. Ect : )
Links and e-mails 'n such
[email protected](MSN)