The rut is so comfortable
I forget that I’m in one…
Until the mud and clay
suck at my feet
and pull me down.
I gasp for breath an..
Andrew Wyeth's painting (1968) "Christina's Teapot"
I lay my head in hand
and go blank with tears that slide slowly down to burgundy sheets.
Somewhere near, in my memories,
The fog lay its chord..
For Kelly
Well past midnight I close my eyes,
and old terrors come to call,
An angel whispers in my ear
as it flies past on ancient wings,
A melody echoes i..
For the beautiful city of Charleston, South Carolina
For the mockingbird who sang down our chimney
Each year,
when the envelope comes
holding a leaf of brightest red and nothing more,
I know who sent it without there being a name,
There was not..
for Kelly
I’m no selfless groupie,
No china doll,
No professional intellectual,
Or runway puppet child.
Time, the cruelest of masters,
Will no..