Emily Villasmil : Writing

The Little Things

The Little Things

A Poem by Emily Villasmil

Just a smaller version of Journey


A Poem by Emily Villasmil

EWe let the words not enough control our lives. We're always not perfect enough. Or the love we get is not enough. We're never satisfied enough to..
Melting Away.

Melting Away.

A Poem by Emily Villasmil

I wonder why telling people the truth causes somuch pain. People want thetruth, but would much rather be comforted with a lie. It's like, watching ..
Warm Place

Warm Place

A Poem by Emily Villasmil

People always ask me why I write. Frankly, I never know what to say. It's like asking a small child why they love their blanket, or why they love t..
Two roads depart in the snowy wilderness. 

Two roads depart in the snowy wilderness. 

A Poem by Emily Villasmil

This was a school project, we had to rewrite The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost.
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A Poem by Emily Villasmil

I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason, reasons for which we’ll never know. Some people will come into your life and leave ..


A Poem by Emily Villasmil

Today I realized that everything will be all right. That rough days will come and go, just as good days will. I realized that by giving up, you're not..