Milly's Journal : Writing

Milly's Journal - Chapter 9 - "Eric's Heart Speaks"

Milly's Journal - Chapter 9 - "Eric's Heart Speaks..

A Chapter by Milly's Journal

Eric shares his heart with Milly in a very special way.
Milly's Journal - Chapter 10 - "A Night of Fun and Fairy Tales"

Milly's Journal - Chapter 10 - "A Night of Fun and..

A Chapter by Milly's Journal

Milly and Geneva get in a little trouble one night.
Milly's Journal - Chapter 11 - "Not Too Far From Here"

Milly's Journal - Chapter 11 - "Not Too Far From H..

A Chapter by Milly's Journal

A breakthrough starts to happen with Eric.
Milly's Journal - Chapter 12 - "The Prison of Autism"

Milly's Journal - Chapter 12 - "The Prison of Auti..

A Chapter by Milly's Journal

Milly learns more about autism and she and Eric have a neat experience walking home from school.
Milly's Journal - Chapter 13 - "The Journey Begins"

Milly's Journal - Chapter 13 - "The Journey Begins..

A Chapter by Milly's Journal

The first day Milly works with Eric is an interesting one.
Milly's Journal

Milly's Journal

A Book by Milly's Journal

This is a story based on the movie "The Boy Who Could Fly." It follows the movie but it is letters Milly writes to her Dad who is in Heaven.

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