j.a. mills : Writing

Vitamin E

Vitamin E

A Story by j.a. mills

This is a Narrative Essay focused on the malleability of our earliest memories, and suggests readers to examine those memories and the effects they ha..
For What it's Worth

For What it's Worth

A Story by j.a. mills

This Narrative Essay examines the unique relationships we have with childhood keepsakes, and how these relationships change overtime. This essay encou..


A Story by j.a. mills

This is the story of a failed suicide attempt told from the first person.
You Decided

You Decided

A Story by j.a. mills

This is the same story told in "Decided" but reworked and told, now, from the second person.
Bruce Willis

Bruce Willis

A Story by j.a. mills

This is a short story that examines hereditary baldness at a young age.
In the Cards

In the Cards

A Poem by j.a. mills

This poem is intended to read as a short story, but I felt it looked best-at least for now-in stanzas.
"A Little More Time on You"

"A Little More Time on You"

A Poem by j.a. mills

This is an experiment with form. The piece is a rumination on love's redefinitions as we mature and experience love in different ways.
Corduroy Childhood

Corduroy Childhood

A Poem by j.a. mills

This is a poem about a chair my family used to own, of which I as an infant was quite fond.


A Poem by j.a. mills

I believe this poem was inspired by a dream. In any event, it was written four or five years ago, inspired, as will become abundantly clear to you, by..
Love Less

Love Less

A Poem by j.a. mills

I've never done a poem (until now) that messes as much as this one does with lines. I'm not sure if this has a name, but if it does let me know. Again..

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