Midwest Chick

Midwest Chick


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St. Louis, MO
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About Me

I hate these biography thingys. I have no idea what to say. I mean, really. What exactly do you want to know?

My day time job is so not glamorous...I'm a lighting specialist. Which basically means I can look in the ceiling and tell you what's hanging up there. I also get paid to tell you how much it is.

The job I don't get paid for is being a mom to four boys and one very near grown girl child. It is the best job I've had in my life, however, it don't pay worth squat. Thus the need for the official day job.

Ever since I was three, I've written. My parents thought I talked too much (like I think my 9 y/o does), so they taught me how to write. They told me I needed to make sure I wrote down my stories so I could read them to 'em later. Funny. Later never really ever came. I've been writing ever since. Some people think I'm pretty good at it. I've been called a poet, but I don't feel similarly. I simply feel what some label as poetry is my own succinct method of thinking. I don't usually do structured or classical poetry. It's mostly free verse...more prosey than poetical (is that even a word...poetical?)

My truest love is the art of prose. I've always believed it can take you anywhere and everywhere. You can be descriptive and drawn out, romantic and erotic, or whimsical and glide on flights of fancy. For me, prose is where it's at.

I love to read, as well as to write. I've already critiqued a couple writers ...yeah, prior to me even writing this biography thingy. I don't think some will appreciate what I wrote...I hope they see it for what it is...asking for a little more clarity.

What else could y'all wanna know? If you think of something, ask me. For now, I've used up all of my creative brain cells writing this.

Oh, one last thing. I always welcome comments and critiques, however, do not try to change my writing to make it sound the way you would write. We're not all the same. We won't all write the same. Either respect my spot, or hit the road. Up to you...but you don't want me to have to show you the door.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey dear! when ya gonna post some stuff? Hmm? peace. and thank you for the awesome reviews.