Soft Detouring Lines Unfold UponThe Palm With An Inscribed Foretelling Story.Each Infused Line SymbolicallyEncodes Its' Own Foresight.The Head Line, T..
As Life Unfolds,W Continue UponOur Paths, Leaving An AbundantAmount Of Imprints.The Iprints Occur From The AlphaPoints Of Our Lives To The Omega Point..
A Lucid Impression is given off,of Astute Perceptiveness.Strong Predominating Undertonesof an emotionally charged LightBlue.The Overall Essence seems ..
High-Tide or Low-Tide,the PullingGrip Of The Sun Remains Unchanged.Its' Grip is Continual, and Constant.As The Ever-Changing Tides Wash Ashore,The Sun..
Suaveness and Subtlety can at timessay so much.I truly admireThe True ArtOf Subtlety.There is True Grace and Beauty to Subtle Refinement.There exists ..
Walking along The Balmy SandedCoast, Many Thoughts beginto Unravel.Such Serenity to this Setting,such Unending Beauty as TheTide continuously Rushes t..
A Continual Birthing Of Newness occursupon the Entrance Of Each Day.Inner-Strength is the most PredominatingTheme.Astutely Perceptive as I absorb theD..
A Pearled-Cratered Moon Hovers Above TheDark-Blanketed Tunnel Of Forested Trees.Fully Framed during its' Full MoonPhase.Magnetizing the Undercurrents ..
Two Light Infused Bodies Align InParallel Form.Both So Significantly Differentin Size.Polar Opposites in Comparison toOne Another.The Star Signifies N..
Chain Of Events may often at Times OccurRandomly, or In Somewhat StructuredOrder.Time Unfolds with A Full Intent toTranspire Many Occurrences.Some Ins..