Cash discount programs are set up to benefit both the customer and the business. A cash discount program is a service offered by a business, usually i..
SMBs are facing a lot of trouble regarding their financial needs. It has become apparent that many merchant service providers are giving away services..
Cash flow is an important part of every business's financial health. It's the cash that provides liquidity and allows a company to fund its short-term..
If you're looking to set up a merchant account, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know in o..
PCI Compliance is a set of regulations that businesses must adhere to in order to protect customer payment information. The PCI Security Standards Cou..
PCI compliance is a set of regulations put in place to ensure the safety and security of credit and debit card transactions. The PCI Security Standard..
To best understand credit card processing you need to know how credit card transactions work. Whenever a customer buys something, the retailer swipes ..