Mia C. : Writing



A Poem by Mia C.

hearts beat fast,eyes meet as sweethearts walk past.Hope is drawn near to the heart,when wishing for love to never part.Disaster strikes hastily,when ..


A Poem by Mia C.

Tied to an anchor sinking to the bottom of the ocean floor, Not able to cut lose and escape to shore. Death approaching at a rapid pace, one is hop..
Black Tunnel

Black Tunnel

A Poem by Mia C.

I was the horrible outcome that anchored you down, I was the hope that lifted your spirits from the sea, then let you go just to see you drown. I wa..
Field of Dead Wishes

Field of Dead Wishes

A Poem by Mia C.

I pass a field of dandelions, such a beautiful sight, one may say. But, I just turn my head and walk away. What a beautiful field it ..
Speechless Drive

Speechless Drive

A Story by Mia C.

The music played quietly, but at a rapid pace, like the waves hitting the shoreline just before a fierce storm. The aroma of gasoline permeated th..
Eternal Sleep

Eternal Sleep

A Poem by Mia C.

Six feet deep under the cold ground, you lie in an eternal sleep, creating not one sound. Here I sit by myself living these passing days alone, wai..

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