A Poem by Bean
something i wrote during work when i was really bored lol
A Poem by Bean
A lonely little demonSits outside my doorI don't know what she wantsI don't care anymoreThis lonely little demonWho won't take her eyes awayShe makes ..
A Poem by Bean
So this is something i wrote as more of a rant and it turned more poetic, so yea :)
A Poem by Bean
this is one of my poems that was never a song, sorry
A Poem by Bean
So, I may be in a band this summer and I may be writing some of the songs. I'm not a good singer, but I like to write, so yea :)
A Poem by Bean
When she had her heart broken, she feels worthless and pathetic, btw I never said I was good at poems, I just write and this is what comes out, this w..
A Poem by Bean
just something
A Story by Bean
He said that I should get a job, so I will. I walked up to
Culvors, took a deep breath and walked through the door. The bell dinged as I