Lolo K : Writing

Chapter 7 - Unveiled Truth

Chapter 7 - Unveiled Truth

A Chapter by Lolo K

Chapter 7 Unveiled Truth “I knew I could test you.” He grinned at Whinny. Kade helped Spencer up. “What are you talking about?&..
Chapter 8 - New Discovery

Chapter 8 - New Discovery

A Chapter by Lolo K

Chapter 8 New Discovery “I still can’t believe you didn’t tell us!” Spencer announced for the fourth time. “Just sh..
Chapter 9 - Training

Chapter 9 - Training

A Chapter by Lolo K

Chapter 9 Training “Are you sure?” Viggo asked. “Because we were all thinking that.” Spencer shot him a glare. “Oka..
Chapter 10 - Kade's Irresistable Convincing

Chapter 10 - Kade\'s Irresistable Convincing

A Chapter by Lolo K

Chapter 10 Kade’s Irresistible Convincing Whinny shut her locker door and turned to see Kade standing right in front of her. He was so close..
Chapter 11 - Into the Mind

Chapter 11 - Into the Mind

A Chapter by Lolo K

Chapter 11 Into the Mind Two weeks of pleading for training droned on. The rumor Spencer set, had faded out rather quickly, and the group hadn&r..
Chapter 12 - Reece

Chapter 12 - Reece

A Chapter by Lolo K

okay so you meet Reece in this chapter then within the next two or three he disapears, thats cuz hes gunna come back into the sequal
Chapter 14 - Appeared Again

Chapter 14 - Appeared Again

A Chapter by Lolo K

this is one of the more epic scenes. Theres a chase scene and you learn a little bit more about the man
Chapter 15 - If Both Are Smart

Chapter 15 - If Both Are Smart

A Chapter by Lolo K

in here, you can see more of Whinny and Viggos relationship and how theyre handling it, and the support htey have, i think this is kind of cute
Chapter 16 - Invisible Savior

Chapter 16 - Invisible Savior

A Chapter by Lolo K

Chapter 16 Invisible Savior “Kade get down here!” It was the first thing Kade heard when he answered his cell phone. “Vince, wh..
Chapter 17 - Two Saviors, Two Great Guys

Chapter 17 - Two Saviors, Two Great Guys

A Chapter by Lolo K

Chapter 17 Two Saviors, Two Great Guys Three weeks later, Whinny had been out of the hospital for two weeks and three days. Viggo’s and Whin..