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alpharetta, GA
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About Me

nicholas r. taft
twenty three year old male, hailing from atlanta, georgia.
single child.
in a five year realationship (and counting).
writing for about four or five years now.
this account was made in jan '08.

what ive done:

story / concept / lyrics behind the rein's ep '( evolve . sleep )'.
numerous poems, short stories, reviews and narritives.

currently writing:

the rein's next record.
'a season finale in paris: a collection of redemption'.
'the allagatour diaries: on the road with the rein'
whatever happens to pop into my head.

likes: music, writing, nhl hockey, vices, films, books, futurama and coffee.

dislikes: bad music and movies, rachael ray, (most) people and policemen.

currently listening to:

yeah yeah yeah's- is is ep
jonny greenwood- there will be blood (soundtrack)
the snake the cross the crown- mander salis
lupe fiasco- the cool
amy winehouse- back to black
thre mars volta- the bedlam in goliath
saves the day- stay what you are

currently reading:

wesley eisold- 'deathbeds'
chuck palahniuk- 'lullaby'

thanks for reading anything ive written.
thanks for listening to any piece of music ive created.
it means the world to me and i am forever greatful. rein

(search 'the rein' or '( evolve . sleep )' on itunes, rhapsody or napster)

[ 'darwin didnt build the mainstream', directed by stephen simon ]

[ '(pay no attention to) the man in the trunk', shot by shannon williams ]


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Send me message when you post something new o.k. Hope your records coming along well. Laters.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hi there :)
So you too huh? No new works up.
Ah, good ol writer's block.
Nothin like a mass poetic deletion to fck up a good flow. Damn.

You read my letter. No reaction? LOL

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Futurama might be old but I heard a rumor that they were going to start a new-season soon. I'm not to sure though but it would be about a year away. And I think that was before the writer's strike so who's to say.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

futurama is OLD!

haha thanks for the request