You crossed my mind todayBut I'm not sure why.You don't have a place there anymore.Yes, I'll admit that you used to,But that was before.It's time for ..
Your eyes drill the Rook as your hand hovers,Looking for the perfect move.The Queen remains unalteredYet poised to strike when I least expect her.I ha..
Once again my attempts fall short,Ambition crushed under what you hail as logic.Aah, I see now. Of course; I was wrong again.I try to explain myself,S..
Empty space surrounds me.I shrug off intimidation as my lungs fillAnd my hand readies itself,A willing harbinger of God knows what?A man appears, not ..
It stands proudly in the corner.The melody that's been stuck in my headSuddenly bursts into new, vibrant life.A life that I could give.A smile tugs at..
Why do you lie there?Your apathy is a stench to me,As I hoped it would be to you.The first glimpse of the finish lineDoesn't mean you can rest.Stand u..
I wake up on Christmas morning, five years old.
The toys I’ve been drooling over for the past three months
now sit under the tree.
A man finds himself in a position to discover what could have been, which ultimately breaks him.
Characters are introduced, and beginning plot points take shape.
Dylan visits the town, and he says good-bye to a friend.