


I'm working, always working.

Washington, PA
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About Me

I have self published a novel (it's bad and unedited), a kids book, and many poetry journals at www.lulu.com/klmazon. I copyright everything before it is posted on here.

My novel is LIVE-
** E-Book live on amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ND33WPS
** If you prefer paper copy (my preference too) http://www.lulu.com/shop/krissi-lyn-mazon/teeth/paperback/product-23971886.html

Also I often create little songs for my poetry (or my mood swings) at http://eng.musicshake.com/user/mazon15301
If you'd like to hear a song for a specific poem, you can message me and listen to what my demented mind has created. And it gives me something to do to keep out of trouble ;)

I also do editing work on fiction pieces, usually pro bono simply because I enjoy it. I'm better at spotting typos in others' work than my own and I am suffering from Lyme's Disease in my joints and CNS so I'm more prone to typos now.

I take half decent pictures too for someone with a lousy camera and no training. I raise two young men, also doing half decent in that arena for someone with a lousy childhood in her past and no training. I struggle. It's fascinating. I surround myself with heavily flawed, broken, outcast, and miserably happy people. Actual diversity, I'm for it!

I'm never as pretentious as I sound in any About Me.


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Posted 6 Years Ago

Novel went LIVE tonight.

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Posted 6 Years Ago

My little dog was attacked and we're racking up vt bills and need help. If you cannot donate at this time, sharing the link below on your social media to spread the campaign is just as helpful & appreciated.


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Posted 7 Years Ago

New poetry journal out today.

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Anyone else on here getting stupid scam emails?