Rest in Peace Joshua Ray Vinson my pen pal my friend my brother my hommie. March 27th, 2013
Rest in peace big brother.
They always said "don't drop out of school, finish school. Go to college, find a man, don't get pregnant at a young age or before your done with scho..
I love to inhale the scent of her perfume.
I like the way I grind her so fine, and roll her tight.
I always keep her on my side, I mean hell she's m..
There once was a time we're you would call me your's. We planned out life like the big bang.
Even caught myself calling you my main.
Best fri..
Motivation with reality.
I just wanna forget.I'm tired of seeing I'm tired of remembering.I just want it all to go away because it stays with me too much way too damn much it ..
Well I was to late, and I hope he lives in shamebecause he's the only one to blame.He tour me apart and nearly ripped out my f*****g heart.Burn in Hel..
This time I can barely smile, and now it's because he's feeling like another Kyle.He is always missing, sometimes I wonder if it was the kissing. Now ..
B***h a*s niggaz got me aggravated this s**t so f****n dumb it's irritating,omfg, yo f****n played with me, Itried but you keep f****n slayin me,so I'..