scribbled down the points needed to sketch up a neat query letter, for
his hard work of one hundred and fifty pages for a year. He had been
Yesterday.... Something was happening in the Natural System... first a minor seismism and then 4 hours of non-stop downpour....
Just yesterday, got a feeling that something was happening inside the Earth, deep in the night.
Mr. Ghatak sunk into his cushioned
rest chair, after an hour of subjective analytical lecture of Engineering
Hydraulics. Even the climate-contro..
It was during the last school
classes before summer vacations. We would all might be in out of sight, for a
month or so, so some of my friends d..
A true life incident of me. :)
The atmosphere had cooled
down, after a heavy downpour rescuing us from the savaging dictatorship of the summer
sun. The blue sky, was covered w..
Its a true story, something that I will remember forever.
The temperature was 38 degrees, it had been half an hour in the
scorching heat. We were in the no man’s land, the area being prohibited,
"Stop stop stop!", Ritesh shouted out, forcing me put my force on the brake pedal.The car screeched down the lane, and finally came to rest after runn..