mathiasthom : Writing

Behind Blue Eyes

Behind Blue Eyes

A Poem by mathiasthom

Tend to wear it so well, like a favorite overcoat, covering up attributes, hiding limbs and secrets, behind blue eyes... Mathiasthom written 3..
The Origin of Easter

The Origin of Easter

A Poem by mathiasthom

another haiku, a style I recently learned...


A Poem by mathiasthom

Hard to fathom, how an inconsequential, inanimate object, started a series of events, spiraling out of control... Watching the last rays of su..
Writer's Block

Writer\'s Block

A Poem by mathiasthom

a traditional Haiku styled poem...
Out of Sorts

Out of Sorts

A Poem by mathiasthom

Contempt framed, emotionally scared, little nothing, plainly out of sorts this smudged glass neither empty or full, drowning... Mathiasth..


A Poem by mathiasthom

Silence plagues a heavy heart, the world has failed to blow apart Misgivings and forgiveness collectively bleed, from imaginary cuts Mat..


A Poem by mathiasthom

Sowing delicate seeds, in cracked, parched earth Storm is brewing, to rattle and unnerve Knowing this homestead won't collapse to the ground, su..
Another Glitch

Another Glitch

A Poem by mathiasthom

Latest shopping excursion, red tag sales snippy salespeople, lines advancing at the pace of snails There is a glitch in the system the net..


A Poem by mathiasthom

Approaching a nondescript, cash machine reaching for well worn credit card, pushing the appropriate buttons, Card is promptly eaten by machine, ..


A Poem by mathiasthom

Manufactured sounds, computer mimicry, filtered and forced cacophony, Artificial beats, reverberating, through these dirty streets... Antiquat..