marilyn 1225 : Writing

petals and fireflies

petals and fireflies

A Poem by marilyn 1225

poem says it
much more than existence

much more than existence

A Poem by marilyn 1225

today's happiness for now !
flight from the bitterness

flight from the bitterness

A Poem by marilyn 1225

just words on paper from my heart
   trying to ignore the green light

trying to ignore the green light

A Poem by marilyn 1225

a love that lasts a lifetime is a rarity for many and impossible for myself.. the best people like us can do is just exist the best we can cover t..
a reason to live

a reason to live

A Poem by marilyn 1225

fast piece of logic


A Poem by marilyn 1225

just wondering about the lucky married people tweeting and texting to another.. is that a betrayal...
nothing much tonight

nothing much tonight

A Poem by marilyn 1225

can not write of love or loss tonight


A Poem by marilyn 1225

online bullies
just as i had given up hope

just as i had given up hope

A Poem by marilyn 1225

miracles can happen with prayers and light