Shame and confusion over love and passion.
Orthodox Christianity is the reference..
It's a rough draft.
Polyvinylacetate,Buymychips, hide achip,Inmyskin,therearebones,Takeout aloanforshinystones,Shinybonesarelongandthin,PutachipundermyskinMydeskisplastic..
I wrote this after reading some incredible poetry that was raw and real.
Came from working in a restaurant and seeing the hard lives of some of the waitresses there.
Your big long nose, it blows my whistle, baby!
I have seen couples that seemed to have an off balance power dynamic in the social sphere. In my own relationship, I started to feel off balance in t..
Sex as a matter of black and white...Sex is a sin before marriage, and pure within marriage."You aren't married. It was a sin. Dirty. Shame worthy, gu..
This is inspired by a poem written by Sandra Cisneros