mandiecane321 : Writing

regret that day

regret that day

A Poem by mandiecane321

I love you and you broke me i thought about a future it all crashed i regret moving away because i may f been the person in your arms and not h..
the counting starts

the counting starts

A Poem by mandiecane321

one million one million one the counting starts as my anger buildsthe persons face looks good but a brick wall looks even better bam hit the wall the ..
i still miss you

i still miss you

A Poem by mandiecane321

Over whelmed Stressed out Crying tears of pain Like a razor knife scraping my life Interfering with my site I love you I miss you 2 little se..
4-5-09 the day ill never forget

4-5-09 the day ill never forget

A Poem by mandiecane321

4-5-09 The date that is always in my mind From morning to night 4-5-09 What a dreadful day that changed my life The tears the pain Almost overfl..
zoom zoom

zoom zoom

A Poem by mandiecane321

the things that go through my mind never stop i wonder can i really love agian well i can but will it last am i going to be hurt as before. heart b..
tornado through the house.  written may 14

tornado through the house. written may 14

A Poem by mandiecane321

yell rant and tear through the house this woman does she has no anger towards few but she does for one because she knows she had no control and fea..


A Poem by mandiecane321

The. Things that go through my mind I feel like I am walking blind I get a chill from. A thought I come to relizatiom you have to work to ne happy ..
Anger rolls 2011

Anger rolls 2011

A Poem by mandiecane321

the anger rolls through the things i could do i just grabed the music and flew if they had a clue theyd step back chew a piece of gum and jam ..
anger 2 (2011)

anger 2 (2011)

A Poem by mandiecane321

anger can be dangerous if you want to flee music is the key to the escape dont know what to do ? writting and music is how i flee i cant deal wi..