

Frankfurt, Germany, Hessen, Germany
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About Me

I'm a Brit, a child born to the war, the Angolan civil war my mother escaped from. So I grew up in the shadow of London--Small town of Ilford, Essex, right on the end of London’s Zone 6. Portuguese-English by blood, I carry my father's Italian forename, and the English-cockney roots of my mother and gran by whom I was brought up. I lived in Ilford, until ten years ago. Now I'm where I call home, along the river Main in Frankfurt, Germany.

Several of my short stories have been published (under my publishing pen name, Lino Valentim):

o Under The Ginko Tree (September 1, Autumn 2010 issue of The Black Oak Presents)
o Blood Brothers (Summer 2009 issue, The Black Oak Media Magazine)
o The Bottom Line (Winter 2008 issue, The Black Oak Media Magazine)

I've done several writing courses--from novel writing, comedy, screen and play writing. And after a long pause, restarted writing and took a creative writing course with an amazing teacher:

Claiming Our Stories: Working with the Power of Autobiography and Autobiographical Fiction

That course gives me new tools to explore my past in a creative way, and a lot of my new writing will come from there.

In earlier stories, I've let my dark, satirical, side out--exploring social, political issues or the issues that puzzle and anger me. Currently, I use autobiographical material creatively--to make sense, find meaning, forge new patterns and explore the wider context of my life.

The stories and novels I love most are Boyle's short stories, Hemmingway's gritty existentialism, and Wallace Lamb's breathtaking, "I know this much is true." Murakami's darkly entrancing "After Dark," haunted and moved me, and I admire Huxley's social and political exploration, and biting blend of truth and satire in his Brave New World. And who can beat Voltaire's Candide for that razor sharp wit?


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Posted 16 Years Ago

thanks so much for your review of "portliness" I'm occassionally humorous. peace.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Sorry bout my German I try as much as possible..even though you do speak english..thought i would try..mines very rusty..sorry..=)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey dear friend ,I had to leave ,i have been harassed a lot lately ,insulted in all ways,i am very sorry ,i am very sad to leave friends like you ,but you can find me here...

[email protected]...
[email protected]
goodbye good friend,moayad

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Posted 16 Years Ago

To Readers in this site:

You should read as much of the works here as you can. These are some of the best stories I have ever read. They engross and engage readers to go further deep into the story and appreciate the imagery and values being imparted. Works in this page are hidden gems in Writerscafe.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Glad my 'Who Killed C**k Robin' detective story made you smile. I had fun writing it.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Another thorough review from you. The meticulous care you take always make your reviews a delight to read plus very helpful. Glad that you think �Some Days are Like This� was well done.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks. Hope you have a great New Year.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you and saying thanks for your excellent and really helpful review of 'Him Downstairs'. Just returned from Christmas in Cornwall (and no computers). I will write a longer consideration of the review when I have considered it in more detail.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Sorry...I'm in a bit of a creative slowdown at a moment (hopefully, it won't go into a full-blown strike.)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Oh, see, you've got the same pictures. Can't misplace you no matter what your new name is . . . :-D