maktub : Writing

The Unwritten

The Unwritten

A Poem by maktub

Italacized are the first letters of the first word of the first sentence of each new stanza. They spell the word "Unwritten".
Heart's Growth

Heart\'s Growth

A Poem by maktub

Avalanche swept it away, tumbled down the slope, another sharp rock shape ripping, shredding hope's... Heart Screaming, Crying, Sighing, Br..
Deeper Meaning?

Deeper Meaning?

A Poem by maktub

Isn't there one?
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

A Poem by maktub

Yesterday, a tree lost a leaf; Word dropped a letter; A cloud a raindrop; The night a star; Head a hair; Me – you. But today, the roo..


A Poem by maktub

I hurt them, they hurt me, but we are all in the same boat, ultimately....getting the short end of the stick somehow.
Cycles - Even Heaven Cries

Cycles - Even Heaven Cries

A Poem by maktub

No, I wasn't trying to rhyme the whole time...just sort of going for flow...and a touch of form...


A Poem by maktub

I was thinking about John Mayers song "Daughters"....Daddy's really need to love their daughters...we live and breath for their love...
Anitra's Dance

Anitra\'s Dance

A Poem by maktub

Wrote this while listening to Anitra's Dance by Edvard of my favorite pieces....
No Room but Adjacent Houses

No Room but Adjacent Houses

A Poem by maktub

Its that God/soul thing again :-)
Two Hearts

Two Hearts

A Poem by maktub

Love, love, love...