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Things happen for a reason, and regardless of what that reason is, those things are not always good, but nor are they always bad...and oftentimes the unanswered prayers are the greatest blessings, and the most painful experiences lead to a more experienced and happy future/life.

I am one of those people who is a magnet for pain and trouble...even if I try not to , I still fly right through the middle of chaos' and torment's radar. So, I live with it, I never resign myself, and I try to live this sometimes seemingly worthless existence to its fullest...most days, I fail miserably, and on those days I pick up my pen, or I sit down at my computer, and let it all flow, or spew out....But I try to never let it build up, and hold me back from my goal of being alive with life.

Smile ♫


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Posted 16 Years Ago


Merry Christmas , Seasons Greetings , Happy Hannukah , Joyeux Noel , Happy Kwanzaa , Yuletide Blessings , Peace on Earth and Blessings from Sacred Mother Earth.

May this holiday season inspire one and all to elevate their souls to greater things. May we all sip lifes sweet moments as we celebrate the coming of the New Year for with it comes the hope for a brighter tomorrow.

I thank all who have touched my life this past year , for friendships and acts of kindness are the nectar that nurtures ones spirit and sustains ones soul. Know that your kindness has allowed my inner self to swim in an ocean of light. The singing of your heart has resonated positively with me and inspired me to greet each day with brilliance.

My wish is for the New Year to bring all who read this peace , love and harmony. May you create a path of light where earthly treasures abound and may you awaken to your true purpose as you open your soul to a new world of guiding wisdom. The greatest gift you can give during the holidays is a warm smile , a loving embrace and an outstretched hand. Share those things not only with loved ones but with all humankind and together we can make the New Year one of bliss , beauty and love profound.

Merry Christmas , Seasons Greetings , Happy Hannukah , Joyeux Noel , Happy Kwanzaa , Yuletide Blessings , Peace on Earth and Blessings from Sacred Mother Earth.

Yours in Holiday Spirit
Micheal Teal
The Ancient One