Literary Magazines
mirrorview journal
![mirrorview journal](
mirrorview journal
http://mirrorviewjournal.blogspot.inkolkata, AL
Circulation: 1000
Issues Per Year: 4
The journal is an international contemporary journal of fresh poetry, articles and fiction. It strives to publish the best. It will be published quarterly with ISSN/ISBN number. For further details visit us at or
Fiction and Poetry and Article: For fiction our mission is to publish the finest fiction (up to 10,000 words), with special attention to character-driven stories that examine the depths and heights of emotions and motivation from a broad variety of cultural and social perspectives. We are also interested in more experimental narratives as well as well-written flash fiction (1,500 words or less). Surprise us with your writing. There are no restrictions on subjects and themes. For poetry, we aim to publish challenging and engaging works by both established and emerging poets. Articles are invited on any theme related to arts, humanities and social science with broader aspects of literature within 3000 words.
send your works to [email protected]
Fiction and Poetry and Article: For fiction our mission is to publish the finest fiction (up to 10,000 words), with special attention to character-driven stories that examine the depths and heights of emotions and motivation from a broad variety of cultural and social perspectives. We are also interested in more experimental narratives as well as well-written flash fiction (1,500 words or less). Surprise us with your writing. There are no restrictions on subjects and themes. For poetry, we aim to publish challenging and engaging works by both established and emerging poets. Articles are invited on any theme related to arts, humanities and social science with broader aspects of literature within 3000 words.
send your works to [email protected]
Submission Information
Submission Methods
Average Story Length: 3000 words
Story Length Limit: 3000 words
Response Times
Queries: 1 month
Manuscripts: 1 month
- Article On Writing
- Arts
- Biography & Memoir
- Contemporary Literature
- Essays
- Fantasy
- Fiction
- Historical Fiction
- History (Nonfiction)
- Humor & Satire
- Journal
- Literary Fiction
- Metafiction
- Mystery, Suspense & Thriller
- Philosophy
- Poetry
- Postmodern
- Prose Poems
- Regional
- Science Fiction
- Short Story Collections
- Sociology
- Sonnet
- Women's & Feminist
Submission Methods
- Accepts Multiple Queries
- Accepts Email Queries
Average Story Length: 3000 words
Story Length Limit: 3000 words
- Cover Letter
Response Times
Queries: 1 month
Manuscripts: 1 month