Literary Magazines
Mslexia - the magazine for women who write
![Mslexia - the magazine for women who write](
Mslexia - the magazine for women who write upon Tyne
Circulation: 20000
Issues Per Year: four
Manuscripts Per Issue: between 10 and 12
New Writers Per Year: 2
Payment Type: sample copy
Submission Information
Submission Methods
Average Story Length: 2500 words
Story Length Limit: 3000 words
Response Times
Manuscripts: three to four months
Additional Information
Story submissions must be themed - the website gives deadlines for each theme. Poetry submissions must also fit the theme, and may be up to 40 lines long.
- Contemporary Literature
- Literary Fiction
- Poetry
- Women's & Feminist
Submission Methods
- Accepts Simultaneous Queries
- Accepts Multiple Queries
- Accepts Email Queries
Average Story Length: 2500 words
Story Length Limit: 3000 words
- Cover Letter
- Manuscript
- Word Count
- Biography
Response Times
Manuscripts: three to four months
Additional Information
Story submissions must be themed - the website gives deadlines for each theme. Poetry submissions must also fit the theme, and may be up to 40 lines long.
Contact Information
Debbie Taylor, editor
Danuta Keene, sub editor
Mslexia Publications Limited, PO Box 656, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE99 1PZ
Newcastle upon Tyne NN99 1PZ
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0191 261 6656
Fax 0191 261 6636
Debbie Taylor, editor
Danuta Keene, sub editor
Mslexia Publications Limited, PO Box 656, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE99 1PZ
Newcastle upon Tyne NN99 1PZ
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0191 261 6656
Fax 0191 261 6636