Literary Magazines
580 Split
Submission Information
Submission Methods
Additional Information
Prose (Fiction & Creative Non-fiction): All genres considered. Must be typed and double-spaced in a 12-point, readable font. You may submit up to 2 works. Maximum length: 5,000 words. Special formatting may be adjusted to fit our page size. Poetry: Submit up to 5 poems, and include any special formatting instructions. No maximum length, but long poems must be really stellar. Translations welcomed, if accompanied with permission of author/rights holder. Special formatting may be adjusted to fit our page size. Artwork: Submit up to 6 prints labeled with artist's name and titles for prints, including a brief description of each piece, if necessary. For all submissions, enclose electronic copies saved to a CD as .ai or .tif files. While color images will be considered, black and white images are preferred due to publishing constraints.
- Arts
- Fiction
- Nonfiction
- Poetry
- Prose Poems
Submission Methods
- Accepts Simultaneous Queries
- Biography
Additional Information
Prose (Fiction & Creative Non-fiction): All genres considered. Must be typed and double-spaced in a 12-point, readable font. You may submit up to 2 works. Maximum length: 5,000 words. Special formatting may be adjusted to fit our page size. Poetry: Submit up to 5 poems, and include any special formatting instructions. No maximum length, but long poems must be really stellar. Translations welcomed, if accompanied with permission of author/rights holder. Special formatting may be adjusted to fit our page size. Artwork: Submit up to 6 prints labeled with artist's name and titles for prints, including a brief description of each piece, if necessary. For all submissions, enclose electronic copies saved to a CD as .ai or .tif files. While color images will be considered, black and white images are preferred due to publishing constraints.
Contact Information
P.O. Box 9982
Oakland, CA 94613-0982
P.O. Box 9982
Oakland, CA 94613-0982