We are seeking creative volunteers to help make LyfeStyles Ezine the best GLBTQ Ezine online. Currently, we need writers, artists, photographers, copy editors, researchers, graphic designers, videographers, and signed and unsigned musicians who are willing to serve and give back to the GLBTQ community. It is simple to join us. All you need is a Yahoo Messenger account and a few minutes a month of your time. We accept stories on a wide range of topics. If you're interested please feel free to send us a message here on Myspace or email us at [email protected]. Also feel free to IM us on Yahoo:
Patrick- patrick6604
Ashley- luvu2dth04
Thankyou for becoming a friend of the Writers Union. Please remember to submit any literature you come across that you think deserves a larger readership.
Mr. Mad Mark,
or should I address you as
Mr. Bronze and Brains,
Oh, yes that's it.
Dear Mr. Bronze and Brains,
Please feel free to always contribute your knowledge to my work anytime you feel its needed, cause we all know that there is absolutely nothing sexier than a teacher that has the power to make one face the wall for being a bad bad girl.
P.S. lol,Thanks for the reviews. Its good to hear from you again.