Philosophile. (Maddy)

Philosophile. (Maddy)


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stockton, CA
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About Me


The above is a picture I took. Taking pictures makes me happy. Editing also done by me as I am an editing nerd. I've been into picture snapping as of late.
Ella stole my heart one day with her vocals, and I never got it back.
I'm a pigeon.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.
Morality is herd instinct in the individual."
The real name is Maddy, pen names include
C. Auguste Dupin (In honor of my love, Edgar Allen Poe) and Lilith Eset.
I'm 18, and I write like a bimbo. I haven't been writing for too long.
I think I really got into it back in August, and I forgot why. But I do like it.
I love Gothic Lolita, Fresh Fruits, J-Doramas, fresh manga no one knows about yet, animes, on and on. I don't plan on living in the US long, I want to intern at TokyoPop after I get my degrees then I plan on shipping myself off to Japan. It would be lovely.
I am officially the Mad Hatter. Love it or hate it.
I think I'm antisocial. My mother says I'm a Ninja.

yelle Pictures, Images and Photos
I watch many Asian dramas. The ones I've seen so far: Devil Beside You, Hana Kimi, Hana Yori Dango, Why Why Love, Tokyo Juliet, 1% of Anything, Coffee Prince, Snow White, Boku to Kanojo no XXX, Gokusen 1, 2, and 3, Bull Fighting, It Started With a Kiss, They Kiss Again, Love Contract, others I forgot.
Currently Watching: Miss No Good, Delightful Girl Choon-Hyang, Corner With Love, and I might see the new Death Note movie.... not sure.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Wow that is terrific... Well a big CONGRATS on that... you are so talented so i am not surprised... I am doing ok... same old thing round here :-)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Oh my... well howdy stranger... how wonderful to see you around... I hope all is well :-)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

ok, they found the possessed..hidden behind some other books on the reserve shelf..that's a relief

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I ordered the "Idiot" and "the Possessed" from the book store.."the
Possessed", mysteriously diasappeared..weird
I've talked to some intellectuals in town..and none of them get Dostoyezvsky..I can only talk to Jack and you about him so far..I'm posting a profile for Jack this weekend..w/ his art and poetry..I'll send you a link..hope you're doing well..

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I've been neglecting the cafe as well. I'm editing by big fat novel, and probably won't post much more than the prologue here. Oh, and work, and schoolwork, and video games.

But writing takes precedence. Whether I'm here or not, I'm always writing.

Hope you are too. :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I abandoned unintentionally, or intentionally. I don't know I've retracted back into my hibernation shell arghh! Anyways: which ones do you have? I've been reading some more of his, he's still my savior. I shall guide you through! Though I won't be much help... but, no matter! I will jiao until the end!
I got the brothers.., the idiot, and the possessed..
well, sometimes the shell life is the good life..just don't let me read Dostoyexsky on my's too much...that is my only request.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

ok..what's this nonsense about abanadoning the writer's cafe!
ok, all incredulousness aside..I need you to help me understand the 3 dostoevsky's I've acquired..I'm a simpleton..I need you to hold my hand and walk me through it...

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Just stopped by to see if you had any new writes so I figured I say hello while i was here.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

polygimous afterlife orgy relationship club..hahahahahaha

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Posted 16 Years Ago

tolstoy lost a good woman..can i say that?
to quote cartman..I do what I want..whateva!
I may check him out..I'm reading weaveworld and the life and adventures of a quaker among the indians at the moment..then great gatsby..and my eccentric friend recommended another book, and I'm the slowest and laziest reader ever..except when i read marylin Mason's autobiography..i eat up those auto-bio's like candy corns..
I know they have dostoevsky at the used book store for like two bucks..always figured he'd be over my head..but that was 10-12 years ago, when my friend Andy was on a Russian author and indie film kick.